Get in Touch!
The book and publishing industry shouldn’t be out of reach based on means. If you’re a low income writer, please drop me a line in the form below. I might be able to offer a few of my services at a discounted rate. Let’s work together!
I have a more extensive explanation of services on the rates page, but here is a quick outline of how I can help you and your manuscript.
Manuscript Assessment.
Short Extract.
Are you still at the beginning but want to see if your manuscript is on the right track? Have your beginning assessed for what’s working and what can be improved.
Long Extract.
Maybe you want something a bit more for that work-in-progress. Let’s go! Besides looking at what’s working and can be improved, I’ll take a deeper objective examination at plot, narrative, character, pace and more.
Video Chat.
Once you’ve had your manuscript assessment, I also offer an additional post-assessment video call catch up. Some writers find this useful to ask questions, talk about their greatest concerns for their manuscript and anything else that mind be productive for going forward.