Full Manuscript
You’ve reached the end and now you need an objective professional to read and evaluate your draft before it’s sent out into the world or maybe you want comprehensive feedback before diving into another re-draft. This report is for the writer in need of an extensive look at your complete manuscript.
I will review your manuscript’s structure, plot, narrative, pacing, character development, dialogue and writing quality. You will receive a report of c. 2000 words. A full manuscript report will be delivered in 4 - 6 weeks.
For manuscripts starting at 50,000 words / contact for a bespoke offer
*expedited service available
Short Extract
Wow, you have that brand spanking new work-in-progress! How exciting. But deep down you’re worried that something isn’t working or the character’s voice is a simply not right. Breathe. I’m here to help. I’ll have a look at your beginning: what’s working and what could be better. Let’s oil that squeaky gear so you can write till the end.
I will provide you with a report of c. 500 - 1000 words dependent on the length of your extract. A report will be delivered to you in 2 - 4 weeks.
For manuscripts of up to 10,000 words / £200 (average)
Please send a rough synopsis of your novel or a summary of where you think the next few chapters are going with your manuscript
*expedited service available
A large part of your book is under your belt but you want to check in with someone else. Writing can be a lonely endeavour some times, right? Let’s look at what can be improved and what’s working and what may not be working at all, but also a few more important points like pace, plot and narrative.
I will provide you with a report of c. 1000-1200 words dependent on length of your extract. A report will be delivered in 4 - 6 weeks.
For manuscripts up to 30,000 words / £300 (average)
Please send a rough synopsis with your manuscript
*expedited service available
This service is for writers who want to chat one-to-one about a short excerpt of their manuscript (max 2,500 words). The video call is an opportunity to ask questions, talk about your greatest concerns and any ideas for going forward with the manuscript. You will receive bespoke feedback on your call.
one-hour video call / £150
* expedited service is available for Full Manuscript, Long Extract and Short Reports. The price incurs an additional 40% fee added to the base price quoted above and the turnaround times are adjusted to 7 - 10 working days for Full and Long Reports and 5 - 7 working days for Short Reports.
Are you a low income writer? I might be able to help! Please get in contact to enquire how we can work together on a manuscript assessment for your book.