Editorial One-to-Ones

notebook and coffee mug

Now offering Editorial One-to-Ones!

I’ve recently been working with writers on their opening chapters. These are clients that want focused and direct feedback on their beginnings. Because of this, I’ve started to realise that there are many writers out there who are worried about this or just feel stuck.

I will now offer one-to-one editorial sessions via video chat. This is a way to get concentrated bespoke feedback on your writing of up to 2,500 words (plus a one page synopsis).

This can be useful in so many ways:

  • This is a quicker service than a full manuscript assessment and cheaper, too

  • We look at your specific concerns like brainstorming, a knotty issue, craft, ideas for going forward, etc

  • You can ask a professional editor questions in a face-to-face setting


Five Minute Focus


Shirley Jackson, patron saint of all things terrifying